Monthly Archives: October 2023

Family Violence in Australia - get help from Dot Legal

Family Violence in Australia

Family violence affects not just the main victim but also others who are in close proximity to them. This frequently includes young children. Family violence is not only extremely upsetting for kids, but it can also become normalized in their thoughts if they witness it at a young age. Between 2004/...
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Can Australian police enter your premises in Australian - Get help from Dot Legal

Can Police Enter Premises in Australia?

Introduction Understanding Police Powers in Australia Circumstances Allowing Police Entry Warrants Consent Exigent Circumstances Search and Seizure Privacy Rights in Australia The Role of Law in Police Premises Entry Historical Perspective High-Profile Cases The Importance of Proper Procedure The Fu...
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Terrorism Offences And the Law

Terrorism Offences And the Law

Australia’s criminal laws were revised to include a number of Terrorism Offences in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Prior to 2001, only conventional criminal law provisions, such as murder, bombing, or hijacking of an airplane, could be used to prosecute acts of terrorism. The ...
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Driving Whilst Suspended Licence in South Australia-dotlegal-oct23-2

Driving Whilst Suspended Licence in South Australia

Driving with suspended licence or when prohibited is a highly serious traffic law violation in South Australia. Depending on the specifics of the offense, there may be a fine, additional disqualification, or even jail as a penalty. The Motor Vehicles Act of 1959, which makes it illegal to drive whil...
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NSW Demerit Point Limits Exceeded

NSW Demerit Point Limits Exceeded

Overview By assigning demerit points for a variety of driving offenses, the Demerit Points Scheme aims to promote safe and responsible driving. Demerit points offer a powerful incentive for drivers to follow other traffic laws and drive within stated speed limits in addition to financial penalties. ...
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